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Bornitrid-Rohr, BN-Rohrlieferant, Bornitrid T, Bornitrid-Rohr (BN-Rohr) zu verkaufen,
Bornitrid-Röhre Bornitrid-Röhre Bornitrid-Röhre


Bornitrid-Rohr, BN-Rohr, wird aus pulverisiertem hexagonalem Bornitrid durch Hochtemperatur-Vakuum-Heißpresssintern hergestellt. Heeger Materials ist ein weltweiter Lieferant von hochwertigen Bornitrid-Röhren und anderen Bornitrid-Produkten.
  • Art.-Nr. :

  • Farbe :

  • Port :

    Any ports of China
  • Lieferdatum :

    1-7 days
  • Purity : 99%

  • Shape : Tube

  • Material : Boron Nitride Ceramic

  • Beschreibung

Boron Nitride Tube

Boron Nitride Tube Features                                                                                                                                    

1. Boron Nitride Ceramic Tubes has low thermal conductivity, good temperature resistance and thermal shock resistance. 

2. Boron Nitride Ceramic Tubes has excellent electrical insulation properties, good dielectric properties, good radiation resistance and high frequency characteristics. 

3. Boron Nitride Ceramic Tubes has excellent chemical stability, good corrosion resistance and high temperature oxidation resistance. 

4. Boron Nitride Ceramic Tubes has high mechanical strength, good impact resistance, low friction coefficient and good wear resistance. 

5. Boron Nitride Ceramic Tubes has good thermal shock resistance, high thermal conductivity and excellent temperature resistance. 

6. Boron Nitride Ceramic Tubes has high temperature resistance, good corrosion resistance, high hardness and good wear resistance. 

7. Boron Nitride Ceramic Tubes has good thermal shock resistance, good electrical insulation properties and excellent dielectric properties.

BN Tube  Application                                                                                                                                                

1.Boron nitride ceramic tubes have a wide range of applications. 

2.They are non-conductive, thermally conductive, highly corrosion-resistant, and non-magnetic, making them suitable for use in a variety of industries. 

3.The high temperature insulation properties of boron nitride ceramic tubes make them ideal for use in applications where 

temperatures can reach up to 3180°F (1750°C). 

4.Use in high temperature furnaces, kilns, and other high temperature processing equipment. 

5.Boron nitride ceramic tubes can also be used as a barrier in chemical processing and other industrial applications. 

6.Can protect components from corrosive agents and other hazardous materials. 

7.Used in medical equipment, such as catheters, implants, and stents. 

6.Non-toxic and biocompatible, making it safe for use in medical applications. 

7.Used in electronics, such as circuit boards and semiconductor wafers. 

8.Can be used to insulate electrical components and protect them from damage due to high temperatures.

BN Ceramic Propeties                                                                                                                                              

Grade BN99 CABN
Compositions BN>98.5% BN>97.5%
Binder B2O3 CaB2O3
Density(g/cm3) 1.95~2.0 2.0~2.1
25℃ Volume Resistivity(Ω·cm) >1014 >1013
Max. Service Temp. (℃)
Oxygen 900 900
Inert Gas 2400 2400
High Vacuum 2200 2200
Three-point 30 70
Flexural Strength(Mpa)
Compressive Strength(Mpa) 100 100
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 1.5 2
Thermal Conductivity(W/mK) 15 20

 Ceramic Tube Specification                                                                                                                              

Item OD / mm ID / mm Length / mm Purity
CS-DHP-G2001 8 4 100mmmm/200mm/500mm/1000mm/1200mm 99%
CS-DHP-G2002 12 8 100mmmm/200mm/500mm/1000mm/1200mm 99%
CS-DHP-G2003 20 16 100mmmm/200mm/500mm/1000mm/1200mm 99%
CS-DHP-G2004 28 22 100mmmm/200mm/500mm/1000mm/1200mm 99%
CS-DHP-G2005 35 25 100mmmm/200mm/500mm/1000mm/1200mm 99%
CS-DHP-G2006 46 40 100mmmm/200mm/500mm/1000mm/1200mm 99%
CS-DHP-G2007 62 54 100mmmm/200mm/500mm/1000mm/1200mm 99%
CS-DHP-G2008 80 74 100mmmm/200mm/500mm/1000mm/1200mm 99%
CS-DHP-G2009 70 60 100mmmm/200mm/500mm/1000mm/1200mm 99%
CS-DHP-G2010 80 70 100mmmm/200mm/500mm/1000mm/1200mm 99%
CS-DHP-G2011 15 7 100mmmm/200mm/500mm/1000mm/1200mm 99%
CS-DHP-G2012 20 12 100mmmm/200mm/500mm/1000mm/1200mm 99%


Boron Nitride Ceramics Test Standard                                                                                                                    

1.The test standard for boron nitride ceramic tubes is based on ASTM C1319, Standard Test Method for Thermal Conductivity of Refractories and Industrial Ceramics by Hot Wire Method. 

2.This test method covers the determination of the thermal conductivity of monolithic refractory and industrial ceramic materials using the steady-state hot-wire or hot-rod method. 

3.The test temperature range is from room temperature to 1000°C. 

4.The thermal conductivity is determined by measuring the temperature gradient along a cylindrical specimen of known dimensions.

 5.The specimen is placed in an electrically heated furnace with a thermocouple located near the center of the specimen.

6.The temperature gradient is measured by measuring the temperature at a specified distance from the center. 

7.The thermal conductivity is calculated from the measured temperature gradient and the known dimensions of the specimen.

OEM Service                                                                                                                                                           

1.May vary depending on the particular application and intended use. 

2.Should be taken into consideration when specifying an OEM boron nitride ceramic tube: 

  • Dimensions: The dimensions of the tube, such as the length, inner/outer diameter, wall thickness, and length tolerance should be specified. 
  •  Material: The material type, such as boron nitride, and its purity should be specified.
  • Finish: The finish of the tube, such as polished or anodized, should be specified. 
  • Properties: The thermal, electrical, mechanical and chemical properties of the material should be specified. 
  • Testing: The testing requirements, such as dimensional accuracy and chemical analysis, should be specified. 
  •  Manufacturing Process: The manufacturing process, such as pressing and sintering, should be specified. 
  • Quality Assurance: The quality assurance processes and procedures, such as 100% inspection, should be specified. 
  • Lead Time: The lead time for production and delivery should be specified.

3.By taking these factors into consideration when specifying an OEM boron nitride ceramic tube, We ensure that your product meets your exact needs.

Packing & Shipping                                                                                                                                          

We keep stock for almost all models of crucible in the warehouses .The shortest order lead time and delivery time can be within 5-7 days after receiving order confirmation, which ensures on time and in full delivery for any urgent order.         

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Als professioneller Industriekeramiklieferant verfügen wir über eine Reihe von Vorteilen, die unseren Marktanteil im internationalen Handelsmarkt sichern. 

1 . Zuverlässige Qualitätskontrolle, vollständige Spezifikationen, Unterstützung bei der Anpassung nicht standardmäßiger Produkte. 

2. Professionelles und engagiertes Serviceteam.  

3. Mehrfacher Schutz der Verpackung, sicher und zuverlässig. 

4. Hocheffizienter Lieferkanal, sicher und zuverlässig .


1.F : Was sind Bor- on - Nit - Ride - Keramikröhren ? 

A : Bor - auf - Nit - Ride - Keramikröhren sind Röhren aus einem äußerst hitzebeständigen Keramikmaterial . _ _ Sie sind temperaturbeständig bis 3.000 ° F und halten hohen Drücken stand . _ _ _ _ _ Sie werden in Anwendungen eingesetzt , bei denen Thermoschockbeständigkeit erforderlich istund elektrische Isolierung sind erforderlich . 

2.F : Welche Vorteile bietet die Verwendung von Bor- on - Nit - Ride - Keramikröhren ? 

A : Bor - on - Nit - Ride - Keramikrohre bieten eine hervorragende Temperaturwechselbeständigkeit und elektrische Isolierung und sind daher ideal für Hochtemperatur- und Hochdruckanwendungen . _ _ _ Außerdem sind sie leicht und einfach herzustellen . _ 

3.F : Welche verschiedenen Größen und Formen gibt es für Bor - on - Nit - Ride - Keramikrohre ? 

A : Bor- on - Nit - Ride - Keramikrohre sind in verschiedenen Größen und Formen erhältlich , von kleinen Rohren bis hin zu großen Zylindern . Es können auch individuelle Größen und Formen hergestellt werden .

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    Bornitrid-Röhre CS-DHP-G2001
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